North of England Men’s Lacrosse Association 





A.        Name

            The Association shall be called the ‘North of England Men’s Lacrosse Association’, hereinafter referred to as ‘NEMLA’ or the ‘Association’.

B.        Aims and Objects

            The organization of lacrosse competitions on behalf of its members in accordance with their wishes as agreed from time to time at General Meetings.

C.        Structure

1.          NEMLA shall operate under the Constitution and Bye Laws of the English Lacrosse Association, hereinafter referred to as the ‘ELA’.

2.          The geographical limits for membership of NEMLA shall be defined as the area of England north of an imaginary line drawn from east to west running through Rugby, or as otherwise defined by the ELA.

3.          A committee hereinafter referred to as ‘the NEMLA Management Committee’ or the ‘Committee’ shall on behalf of NEMLA be responsible for the administration of the sport in its area.

4.          The operation of the Committee shall be governed by its own Bye Laws.

D.        Administration of Meetings          

1.          All meetings shall be convened by the General Secretary of the Committee.

2.          A minimum of twenty-one days’ written notice of all General Meetings shall be given to clubs and to members of the Committee, together with an agenda and appropriate details of the business to be transacted.

3.          The Chairman of a General Meeting shall be the current Chairman of the Committee unless otherwise agreed by the Meeting.

4.          Minutes of all meetings shall be recorded by the General Secretary of the Committee, and made available to the ELA upon request.

E.         Annual General Meeting

1.  An Annual General Meeting shall be held as soon as is practicable after the close of each season, and in any case within two months thereof.

2.  The Committee and any of its constituent sub-committees shall present reports to the members of their activities since the previous Annual General Meeting.

F.         Special General Meeting

  1. A Special General Meeting shall be convened at any time on receipt by the General Secretary of the Committee of notice of alteration to, rescission of, or addition to any part of this Constitution, Bye Laws of the Committee or Rule of any competition.

  2. Such notice must be signed by the Chairmen or Secretaries of not less than four clubs, or by three members of the Committee.

 G.       Attendance at Meetings

1.          A maximum of three representatives from each club shall be entitled to attend General Meetings.

2.          The members of the Committee shall be entitled to attend General Meetings.

3.          It shall be mandatory for all clubs to send a minimum of one representative to any meeting of the Association.

4.          The Committee may, at its discretion, grant dispensation to any club from the requirement of G 3 above.


H.        Propositions at General Meetings

  1. No proposition shall be considered unless twenty-one days’ written notice thereof has been given in the manner prescribed under D 2 above.

  2. Propositions may not be amended except for reasons of clarity or accuracy.

  3. The Committee may formulate and submit propositions for consideration.

  4. Propositions from member clubs which are to be considered at an Annual General Meeting must be submitted to the General Secretary of the Committee, and signed by the Chairmen or Secretaries of not less than two clubs.

  5. A proposition to rescind a resolution which has been passed at any General Meeting within the preceding twelve months, or a proposition to the same effect as one which has been negatived at any General Meeting within the preceding twelve months shall not be in order unless notice in writing thereof shall have been received by the General Secretary of the Committee, signed by the Chairmen or Secretaries of not less than fifteen clubs, or by nine members of the Committee.  When such a proposition has been disposed of, a similar proposition may not be considered within a further period of twelve months.



I.          Voting at General Meetings

1.          A quorum shall consist of representatives from not less than one-third of the clubs in the Association.

2.          Each club shall have a single vote on each proposition.

3.          The members of the Committee shall not be entitled to vote unless acting as club representatives.

4.          The Committee may, at its discretion, permit postal voting by any club.

5.          No part of this Constitution, Bye Laws of the Committee, or Rule of any competition shall be altered, rescinded, or added to without the consent of two-thirds of those voting.

6.         All propositions other than those described in I 5 above shall not be passed without the consent of the majority of those voting.


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14 May 2015 (AGM).